Szerző Téma: Top Books By Dave Ramsey  (Olvasták 1109 alkalommal)

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Top Books By Dave Ramsey
« Dátum: 2021. December 13. - 20:42:33 »

If you feel like you’re not making any financial progress, or you feel like you are working for your money and it is not returning the favor, or maybe you want to make better financial decisions! Then this is your time to learn how to have wise money management skills and get your finances into shape.

Dave Ramsey, is one of the most trusted voices in America on money and business-related matters. Over the years of his career, he has authored several New York Times bestselling books, including The Financial Peace Planner, The Total Money Makeover, and EntreLeadership, among many others.

Dave repeats his financial advice and principles repeatedly; we need to repetitively hear these things before we take them in and have them stick with us. Reading multiple highly recommended books by Ramsey might be your best bet towards a better financial future.

Click here to see all dave ramsey books.


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